
“They lived again, these Rock Island Men Who had done their work so well, Men who thru blizzards, storms and wrecks, Ran the trains of the R. I. L. And some of them parted …

Westward through the Eugene Tunnel and both ways through Argyle the engine men fought against smoke and fumes as they ground their way slowly through the two long tunnels. Most everyone on the head …

The last Sunday in September is Gold Star Mother’s Day. This day is dedicated “to recognize and honor those who have lost a son or daughter in the service of the U.S. Armed Forces." The …

At nineteen Almon Thornsberry was a very good catch, with a river farm, a stockman, and all that went with being successful at that time.   Ollie Belle McCombs, not quite seventeen, was a town …

Windows From the Past Miller County Autogram (date not given) From Goodspeed’s “History of Cole, Moniteau, Morgan, Benton, Miller, Maries and Osage Counties,” written in …

On September 20, 1917, a crowd estimated at 3,000 people gathered in Eldon. A line of march was formed on Maple Street, led by Mr. Harvey and Sam A. Wright, an officer of the new company; each …

“I know not why we should blush to confess that molasses was an essential ingredient in American independence. Many great events have proceeded from much smaller causes.” [John Adams] …

Many years ago, before the white man arrived, Miller County was inhabited by the Osage Indian tribes. They lived mainly along the basin of the Big Tavern Creek, which was rich in vast forests and was …

Memories are excerpts from "Sanning School.   Memories of a One-Room School"   Left to Right with school memories added, circa 1945 Back Row: Mary Ann …

Reading the Eldon paper this week brought with it much sadness at the possibility of a historic Miller County property being sold for back taxes. My sadness that this should not happen to anyone, …

"He was a typical old-fashioned family doctor in the days when they still made house calls. During his life he served as Vice President of the State Medical Association and was President of the …

In 1840 Miller County was organized into fourteen school districts. These districts were large; some students lived fifteen miles from school. In District #1 a schoolhouse was erected on Capt. …

In the 1920's rainmakers were popular with farmers and filmmakers. Eldon's Electric Theatre advertised the silent film "The Rainmaker." Farmers in Alberta, Canada, hired Charles Hatfield as a …

On way back home we turned off Highway 17 onto Highway 52 just a short distance south from the Osage River bridge at Tuscumbia and turned right on the Bear School road. There we visited the old Bear …

Iberia residents organized a Fourth of July celebration at Hardy Park. For many days prior to the celebration the townsfolk would gather and begin construction of wooden stands, tables, and …

On June 14, 1910, a Deed was filed for the purchase of a site for "a church for the use and benefit of the Roman Catholics of Eldon and vicinity."   The church was built at the corner of North …

"You can learn so much by watching, and sometimes I learned what not to do. After that I was all self-taught." When his older brother joined the military and his father died, Chuck Grimes became his …

"In March 1870 John and Ellen Caroline 'Ella' Reed Waite started to Missouri to join Ella's father and brother. The young couple came by boat down the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers to St. Louis. There …

On Sunday, May 26, 1918, Miller County celebrated Memorial Day with a Farewell Meeting at 11 A.M. for men boarding a Missouri Pacific train in Eldon at noon.   The men were headed for training …

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